Dvorak-fr : disposition de clavier ergonomique
Ergonomie du poste de travail informatique
Voir les liens du chapitre consacré aux risques.
Ergonomie. Travail de bureau avec écran. Guide de formation
Un copieux document de Sylvie Montreuil, ergonome et professeure à la Chaire en gestion de la santé et de la sécurité du travail de l’Université Laval (4e édition).
Le travail en position assise sur le site du Centre canadien d’hygiène et de sécurité au travail (sur ce même site voir les facteurs de risque professionnels et individuels, déjà mentionnés dans la page consacrée aux risques).
Computer Ergonomics for Elementary School (CergoS)
Un excellent site, plein de bons conseils, très bien illustrés (dessins et photos annotées).
A voir par les parents et responsables scolaires.
Computer Ergonomics is about things that you can do to make working on a computer more comfortable and better for your body. For example, wearing a bike helmet when riding a bike and a seatbelt when riding in a car are two simple things that you do to be safe. The Computer Ergonomics for Elementary School Students (CergoS)Web site will show you some simple and affordable ways to make sure that your body is safe and comfortable while using a computer.
Cornell University Ergonomics Web (CUErgo) : School Ergonomics Programs: Guidelines for Parents et Guides and Information.
Positioning or using your computer improperly can lead to various injuries, from the short term discomfort of headaches to potentially debilitating conditions like Carpal Tunnel Syndrome. HealthyComputing.com’s assembled the world’s foremost experts to provide free information on computer-related health and safety. Developed through the joint efforts of nearly a dozen leading ergonomists, physicians, and physical therapists, HealthyComputing.com is the premier source for computer ergonomics.
The Typing Injury FAQ (frequently asked questions) is an educational site, provided by the CTD Resource Network, Inc., containing a wide variety of information about repetitive strain injuries (RSIs), resources for dealing with these ailments, and a broad description of assistive products to reduce injury risk and symptoms.
Le site de Deborah Quilter consacré au RSI (repetitive strain injury - les troubles musculosquelettiques).
Good Working Positions (dont de bons schémas) et Computer workstation checklist, Occupational Safety & Health Administration (OSHA).