Logo Tortue, le logo du langage logo
Learn to program, program to learn

Hello. My name is Francis Leboutte. This Logo site was originally written for French-speaking students and teachers. However some MSWLogo (and UCBLogo) code is available with both French and English documentation. I wrote this code when I introduced the Logo programming language in computer science courses at Athénée de Waha, a Belgian secondary school located in Liège (voluntarily, as a free-lance developer and father of a pupil).

LGO files

The header of each of the following LGO files includes documentation in English and French. You can see part of this documentation under the more information links below.

Download these files (zip)

UCBLogo users

The startup.lgo can't be used under UCBLogo. You can use the misc.lgo and colors.lgo files (and the primi-fr.lgo file too). Copy these files in the UCBLogo directory and:



General links and links about MSWLogo resources: a document in French (easy French), most of the links are links to resources in English.